Joined C/F in 65 as a new J/T Air Comms from Yatesbury. I worked in RSF, on the flight line and on GCA. I remember the Vampire which crashed off the end of the runway and we couldn’t find the pilot ! I was also on flight line duty the evening we lost a JP at Acaster Malbis that was very sad. Happy memories of C/F. Posted to Leeming with the Vampires ( much better gliding club). Whilst at Leeming applied for aircrew, went through a week of tests at Biggin Hill and I’m still waiting for the RAF to tell me how I got on with that. Then posted to 2 years at El Adam. Must have upset someone ! Left the service in 72 from Lyneham. I have been lucky enough to have had a good career in civvy street as an Electrical Engineer for which I thank my training in the RAF.