“Dear Ian,
Thank you for your Website.
54 OTU was my first posting in May 1941 as an 18 year old AC1 (Engines).
On my first duty at night I was told I could find a corner of the hangar to sleep and was shown bullet holes from the previous night. Sleep escaped me due to an aircraft crashing on an airaid shelter and the subsequent fire. I recollect an airman rushing to the scene with an extinguisher which he discharged over an officer who was supervising affairs.
This posting didn’t last long but civvy billets on a farm at Stutton near Taddy made it enjoyable. Also I was privileged to fly in the upper turret of a Blenheim as a perk.
All the best .
Arthur Grace.”
And some further memories of Arthur’s time at his billet in Stutton:
“In mid 1941 I had just passed out from Halton and was posted to 54 OTU, Church Fenton with a billet on a farm at Stutton. The first evening I was invited to join in a short prayer meeting in the parlour and the lady of the house encouraged her spouse to “sing up Bert” as we broke into song. The next morning the harmony was somewhat marred as Bert expressed his anger at “some –!?**!*?”—who’d trampled on his rows of potatoes. ”