Yorkshire UAS families day sees numerous displays
Yorkshire UAS families day sees numerous displays

Yorkshire UAS families day sees numerous displays

Friday 25th June 2004 saw Yorkshire UAS hold a families day at Church Fenton, quite possibly their best to date. Even the weather was kind! A mini fly-in was organised, with numerous civilian aircraft dropping in. Possibly the highlight of the day though was a display from Elvington based Hawker Hunter T8C XJ615 (really XF357). It was wonderful to see the sight of a Hunter over Church Fenton once again, 45 years after the type left the base for Leconfield.

Aircraft in the flying display included Tucano (solo display and 9-ship), Hawk (display), Tornado GR4 (display), Jet Provost (flypast), King Air (flypast / circuits), VC10 (flypast), Nimrod (display), Tutor (display) and Hunter (display). Some photos from the event can be seen below (some © Dave Butler):