The RAF Church Fenton families day 2006 was held on Friday 30th June 2006. The flying display consisted of displays / flypasts by no less than 14 different RAF types – not bad for a small station! Approximately 250 visitors attended the day, which once again was blessed with very good weather.
A familiar visitor was locally-based businessman Paddy Green’s C-47 Dakota N473DC, which made a stopover at Church Fenton en-route to its home at Liverpool. This aircraft was recently re-sprayed at Church Fenton, see below.
Once again, many thanks go to Sqn Ldr Gordon Pell, OC 3 Sqn 1 EFTS for inviting me to attend the families day, and to all the staff and students of Yorkshire UAS and 1 EFTS for their hard work arranging and running the day.